The Second Chief Executive of Hong Kong SAR比較

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The Second Chief Executive of Hong Kong SAR比較 開箱文 博客來網路書店

內容簡介: Punctuated by a string of 'surprising events' and even alarming incidents in the crucial 'sunset era' of Donald Tsang, the second Chief Executive of the Hong Kong SAR, how shall we rate Tsang's performance during this 7-year term?

This weighty monograph offers an authoritative academic critique of the HKSAR Government’s performance in various policy areas and state–society interactive topical dimensions under the Tsang years from 2005 to 2012. By inviting contributions from a number of scholars specialising in different research disciplines, the volume in 18 chapters covers a lot of key issues and public policy areas that constitute a very rich combination of analytical narratives from multi-disciplinary perspectives.
博客來 The massive coverage of this book, while exemplifying the criticality of Tsang's era when handling challenges of these aspects, will provide readers with a thorough assessment of the government during the Tsang years in a broader comparative context and on a contemporary historical scale. This scholarly title will best be appreciated by academic, research specialists in fields of government, policy studies and public administration; politicians, researchers or analysts from political parties, think tanks and pressure groups; social sciences students from both upper undergraduate and graduate courses, as well as high school students; and general readers who are interested in Hong Kong politics and policy making.


The Second Chief Executive of Hong Kong SAR比較 好書推薦 博客來網路書店

  • 出版社:香港城市大學    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2013/07/01
  • 語言:英文

The Second Chief Executive of Hong Kong SAR比較 評比 博客來網路書局

The Second Chief Executive of Hong Kong SAR比較

The Second Chief Executive of Hong Kong SAR比較推薦,The Second Chief Executive of Hong Kong SAR比較討論The Second Chief Executive of Hong Kong SAR比較比較評比,The Second Chief Executive of Hong Kong SAR比較開箱文,The Second Chief Executive of Hong Kong SAR比較部落客
The Second Chief Executive of Hong Kong SAR比較
那裡買,The Second Chief Executive of Hong Kong SAR比較價格,The Second Chief Executive of Hong Kong SAR比較特賣會,The Second Chief Executive of Hong Kong SAR比較評比,The Second Chief Executive of Hong Kong SAR比較部落客 推薦





























The Second Chief Executive of Hong Kong SAR比較


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